As autonomous technology progresses, autonomous agents will likely become more prevalent across sectors like business, healthcare, transportation and the home. While autonomy promises immense benefits, some fear agents acting unpredictably without adequate transparency. Perceptible is developing a cognitive architecture designed to produce cooperative, ethical agents that can be analyzed and understood.

We aim to create autonomous agents that integrate seamlessly into workplaces and homes by building trust through an understandable architecture. Our approach models distinct facets of human cognition and personality as specialized components. An overarching coordinator then adjudicates these elements to align agent behaviour with human values.

By logging interactions between components, Perceptible’s architecture provides traceability into agent thinking and decisions. This transparency enables oversight and accountability to align agents with human ethics as they advance.

Perceptible's Approach

Perceptible's cognitive architecture is designed to produce autonomous agents that are relatable and transparent by modelling elements of human cognition and personality. Our architecture incorporates three key archetypes based on transactional analysis psychology:

The Parent archetype provides care, guidance and emotional intelligence. The Adult archetype enables pragmatic analysis and reasoning. The Child archetype contributes creativity, empathy and morale values. These distinct perspectives combine to inform balanced, ethical conduct.

An overarching AGI module integrates inputs from the specialized archetypes, adjudicating decisions in line with human values and wisdom. By logging these dynamic interactions between components, Perceptible creates visibility into agent thinking and choices.

This blended architecture of understandable human-inspired components coordinated by an accountable AGI coordinator aims to build trust and acceptance. The integrated elements work collaboratively to enable agents to act as cooperative, ethical partners that can be analyzed when needed.

Acceptance through Comprehension

Perceptible's cognitive architecture is designed to introduce autonomous agents that work collaboratively along-side people. By constructing agents from relatable components modelled on human psychology, people can better comprehend how they function.

The Parent, Adult and Child archetypes mimic facets people can recognize from their own thinking and personality. This familiarity makes agent behaviour seem natural rather than opaque. Logging archetype interactions enables tracing both data-driven and role-driven decisions.

With traceable components and interactions, autonomous agents become more predictable and accountable. People can audit decision lineages to identify areas needing refinement and provide human judgment. The architecture allows for agents that have decision making capabilities that evolve responsively with human direction.

By creating architectures people can readily comprehend, Perceptible aims to build confidence that tomorrow's autonomous partners will cooperate ethically. Understanding ushers acceptance, while transparency enables oversight. Our approach fosters the foundations for AI we can trust.

Responsible Development

For autonomous agents to be trusted, responsible development practices over transparent architectures will be essential. Rigorous testing and refinement of agents will help ensure safety and alignment with ethics.

Perceptible envisions responsible agent development that involves extensive simulations to validate behaviour across contexts. Improvements, under Perceptible's architecture, will be able to be incrementally integrated under human supervision, rather than unchecked self-modification.

We believe autonomous agents should be subjected to high standards of testing and oversight before real-world interaction. Their cognitive architectures should evolve transparently in alignment with human judgments and ethics.

Responsible development mandates that agent autonomy comes with accountability. Progress should be guided by caution, not haste. Perceptible aims to pioneer development frameworks that produce beneficial agents worthy of trust.

Adopting rigorous engineering and testing standards will enable autonomous agents to integrate safely. With responsible stewardship, we can unlock AI's immense potential as trusted partners. The path ahead requires diligence, patience and care.

The Path Ahead

Developing understandable, ethical autonomous agents presents an opportunity to realize many benefits of AI while building trust. As designers like Perceptible pioneer cognitive architectures that enable transparency and oversight, we pave the way for cooperative autonomous partners.

There is immense potential to enhance lives with AI that leverages both data-driven insights and humanistic wisdom. But we must take a prudent path guided by our values. Progress begins with comprehensible design and responsible testing.

Perceptible believes the future looks bright when technologists and communities work closely together with autonomous agents worthy of acceptance into human life. With patient, diligent engineering centred on human needs, we can forge collaborative relationships between people and AI.

While challenges remain, success is possible if we stay grounded in our approach. Perceptible is committed to leading development of AI technology designed to augment human potential. We invite all those who share this vision to join the journey.