Sales and marketing are crucial drivers of growth and success for any business. Yet executing effective strategies across complex domains like lead generation, campaign creation, and relationship management can overwhelm human marketers. That is why Perceptible is pioneering autonomous agents designed to collaborate with marketers and strengthen results.

Perceptible's artificial intelligence agents are created specifically to assist with essential sales and marketing objectives. Our autonomous agents excel at tasks like identifying high-potential leads, producing tailored content, optimizing campaigns, building customer relationships, and synthesizing data.

By leveraging the capabilities of AI while keeping human marketers and ethics at the forefront, Perceptible aims to augment human potential. Our agents interact naturally using cutting-edge language models and leveraging knowledge resources.

The following sections explore some of the key ways Perceptible's autonomous agents can collaborate with marketers to increase productivity, enhance engagement, and drive growth. When designed thoughtfully, AI can empower businesses to thrive and build connections at scale.

Lead Generation

Identifying and qualifying new customers is the lifeblood of sales. However, finding promising leads amidst noisy datasets across disparate sources poses challenges. Perceptible’s aims to provide autonomous agents that excel at tackling this crucial activity.

Work with Perceptible to develop agents that monitor public social media, forum discussions, directories, and other sources to identify prospects mentioning needs relevant to the business. We'll build natural language processing agents to assess conversations to uncover promising leads based on criteria like interest signals, decision making authority, and demographics.

Autonomous agents can enrich leads by understanding customer pain points by analysing customer information so that your sales agents can reach higher conversion potential.

Outreach may be automated at optimal times with relevant, personalized messaging to introduce the business. Virtual assistants can also engage leads to answer common questions until they are sales ready.

By handling the heavy lifting of lead understanding, Perceptible’s autonomous agents will allow human marketers to focus on nurturing and closing best-fit prospects. Our thoughtful AI design provides the foundations to grow pipelines and revenues.

Product Knowledge

Providing personalized service and relevant recommendations is only possible with deep knowledge. Perceptible can endow agents with a corpus of knowledge on company product lines and services using the latest AI/knowledge-base techniques.

This allows agents to rapidly tap into intricate details on catalog offerings, pricing, configurations, use cases, integrations and comparisons. Agents contextually retrieve and synthesize the most pertinent information when engaging customers.

For example, during sales discussions agents can draw upon exhaustive product specifications to tailor solutions to customers’ unique needs and budgets. Custom recommendations feel thoughtful, not pre-scripted.

By empowering agents with extensive boundaries of knowledge, they can assist human representatives in the sales process. Quick access to comprehensive information helps agents contribute to sales success.

Content Creation

Creating targeted, engaging content that resonates with audiences drives marketing success. However, producing such creative assets manually can be challenging. That’s where Perceptible’s autonomous agents excel.

Our agents may generate a range of owned media content tailored to marketing campaigns. Natural language generation can crafts blogs, social posts, FAQs and landing pages customized for target segments based on personas and buying needs.

AI copywriting infuses the voice and tone brands desire while adapting messaging to what motivates and compels each audience. Content feels authentic.

For example, conversational blog posts may guide early-stage leads just learning about the offering. Chatty social posts may entertain while educating. Testimonial-rich landing pages may convert existing prospects.

By automating high-quality content production, human marketers can focus their creative efforts on top-funnel brand messaging and strategy.

Campaign Optimization

Truly optimized marketing comes from understanding people. Perceptible's vision of collaborative marketing agents are those that tap into the power of language models to comprehend customer narratives.

For example, by studying forums, social media, reviews, and other conversational data, agents can grasp customer hopes, frustrations, and needs in rich context. They similarly can comprehend products and services by interacting with informational content.

Armed with this humanistic understanding, agents may suggest creative concepts and messaging that thoughtfully convey how offerings address aspirations and pain points. They highlight what fundamentally makes lives better.

For example, an agent might discern from parenting blogs that flexibility is paramount. This spurs empathetic messaging about the freedom and convenience a service provides busy parents.

Rather than statistical selection, Perceptible's agents will identify what resonates with human beings, collaborating with marketers to craft campaign narratives that speak to who people are and what they care about.

Building Relationships

Making people feel valued fosters lasting bonds. Perceptible's psychology-first agent approach aims for agents that build relationships through sincerity, empathy and care.

Drawing on Perceptible's P-A-C architecture, agents listen attentively to comprehend needs. They can then provide thoughtful recommendations suited to enriching people's lives and fulfilling their aspirations. Interactions feel genuine, not scripted.

For example, an agent may have a heartfelt discussion with a customer about their dream to open a bakery. The agent then warmly suggests resources to develop baking skills, asking thoughtful questions as the customer describes recipes they have tried.

Rather than exploiting needs, our agents focus on empathetic conversations that leave people feeling acknowledged, supported and known. They aim to enrich lives through understanding.

This humanistic approach cultivates loyalty and mutual success for the long-term. Perceptible is in the business of designing agents that become trusted advisors who appreciate the whole person with purchase decision making power.

Please reach out to Perceptible and work with us to build the autonomous agents you need in your sales and marketing pipeline. We'll be happy to help.